Monday, November 30, 2009

My News

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Gerenal news from last week!!

Last week was very busy again at college.we have alot of assigments and projects due again next week ,we have the website project due in for next friday and our is coming along very good well i my group there is Tara, Colin, David and I. We have done alot of reserch for the website and we are going putting all the information together on Wednesday and will see then how our website really looks.The weather was very bad last week and their was alot of floods, alot of towns and places got destroyed by the floods there is alot of pictures on youtube of different areas been flooded and some places are without water.I went to the cinema last week with friends and we went to see ''Jennifer Body" because we were late and that was the only thing showning that we were on time for, which in my opinion was very was crap!!we have to fill out a form no it is a survey of students by lecturer and it has aload of questions for us to fill in.This survey is to obtain the views of students on as given in the survey of students undertaken by the lecturer by way of the form, on their experiences in the Department in which the students are in.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Blog

Well the weekend is over and we are working on our project for web we have set our team meeting. I had a good weekend i went out friday night it was a very good night i got to talk to all my friends. I really want to go shopping this week to get loads of new things and spend all my money because i was out in mahon point last week and saw loads of clothes that i like and want of course...Michelle and I are working on our P.R project we have to do a press release about the company that we got and we are going to meeting up with the person again soon to get tips and ideas about what we are going to write about. We are going to go visit the company to to get a feel of the place and see how they do thier work. I find the web class very interesting and like doing the website project and we hope to do well in it.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Last week in College

Last week in collage was very busy, I handed up the 3,000 word essay on Friday and had a database exam as well. For Public Relation we have a project to do that we meet up with our company and we have to do a press release for them, the company is situated at the airport. My weekend was very good. Last week i went to the cinema and i went to see couple retreat it was good but was kinda dragged out a bit near the end. It was very funny in parts.I really enjoyed it.I watched the X factor last night and was very disappointed that Lucy was voted out as i thought that she was very good.I thought last night that John and Edward would have got voted out as i taught Simon would have voted then out.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


College is getting very hard as we have a lot of essays and assignment due in soon along with exams.We are in week 8 of semester one and in semester two we are going on work placement which will be very good experience and will help when we finish college to find a job.I still have not found any where to get get work experience yet. I have my C.V done. I hope to get work placement somewhere soon and be prepared for semester two. I cant wait to be out on work placement as it will be a changed for college and i think it will hopefully be more enjoyable and interesting.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The week

Last Monday was a bank holiday so we had no college, we have a 3,000 word essay to hand in for Friday..i am doing RFID and privacy and it is quite hard..we have a test on Friday on database systems was Halloween last on Saturday, and i went out it was a brilliant night.everyone was dressed up.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In class work

We just learned about the variety of tools and technologies. there are 12 subheading that we talked about for examples we talked about html, CSS, javascript, java, PHP, SQL, notepad, special text editors, MS word, frontpage, dreamweaver and CMS.We are going looking at the the next day.
Well it was my birthday sunday the 18th of October and i was 22 years old...i had a great weekend...i cant wait till this weekend again because its a long weekend and we have friday and monday off collage cant wait yipee...have a project to start too.we have an MIS test tomorrow MCQ :(.....

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cant wait to go home :)) and eat because it has been a very long day...we have so many projects and tests coming up.
We have a 3,000 word essay to do, must go research the topic and get started on the essay soon..stress!!i cant wait till college semter 1 is finish ...

Monday, October 5, 2009

College is over for the day :) must go print off notes for class tomorrow, which will be of very important because i will be able to understand what is going on in the class with the notes better.
I still dont get this blog thing, it is all new to me.The weekend was brillaint did alot of fun stuff....and got alot of collage notes printed off was very very busy.


We just got a talk on blogs and social software and now we going to make labels for our blog.The social software sounds very interesting.
Its Monday morning and it so web class hearing all about blogs it is very interesting.I had a great weekend and got alot done. I got my books for collage and sorted all my notes.i also went out to meet up with all friends and we had a brillaint night...gossiping :)..Monday in collage is a very busy day we have alot of classes and we are not finished till 5....

Monday, September 28, 2009

WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!This is our first class in web with a new lecture...we are setting up our own blogs. Well my name is Claire,I am a third year BBadmin student..this year will be very stressfull year i think, we are already staring alot of projects and been told about tests. In semter 2 we will be going on work placement which should be very interesting and brillaint experience for when we finish collage and go looking for jobs...
welcome to my blog!!